Whether you’ve misplaced your keys or accidentally locked yourself out, don’t fret. Our expert locksmith in Crawley has compiled these 10 helpful tips to assist you in gaining entry to your home.

1. Check Nearby Hiding Spots

Before panicking, thoroughly search common hiding spots such as under doormats, flower pots, and fake rocks.

2. Contact a Trusted Locksmith

If you’re unable to locate your keys, reach out to Patacon Locksmith in Crawley for prompt assistance.

3. Assess Windows and Doors

Inspect all accessible windows and doors for any signs of being left unlocked.

4. Seek Assistance from Neighbours

Neighbours may have spare keys or be willing to assist in finding a solution to regain entry.

5. Use a Credit Card

In some cases, a credit card can be used to manipulate the latch on certain types of locks.

6. Call a Locksmith in Crawley for Professional Help

Our locksmiths have the expertise and tools necessary to safely unlock your door without causing damage. Contact us today; We attend to 24/7 emergency calls.

7. Consider Calling Emergency Services

If there’s a risk to your safety or someone else’s, don’t hesitate to call emergency services for assistance.

8. Try a DIY Lock-Picking Kit

For those comfortable with DIY methods, lock-picking kits are available, but caution is advised to avoid damage.

9. Use a Spare Key

If you have a spare key hidden or with a trusted friend or family member, now’s the time to utilise it.

10. Stay Calm and Patient

Getting locked out is stressful, but maintaining a calm demeanour will help you think more clearly and find a solution faster.

Remember, if you find yourself locked out of your home, don’t hesitate to contact Patacon Locksmith in Crawley for swift and reliable assistance. With our range of services, including emergency lockout assistance, we’re here to help you regain access to your property.

If you would like to know more about what we do, go to the services page or if you want to book our services, just click on the book a service link.

For additional advice, check out this article by Rightio.